
Below are some examples of TV interviews I gave regarding my work, or video clips that provided further information on specific cases.

Greater Manchester Police

I produced the aged images Greater Manchester police used in the 'Ageing behind bars' poster campaign, of convicted criminals, to thank the public and witnesses in this investigation for their help. The information and evidence gained from these people enabled prosecution of these men, from the notorious Gooch Gang.

Other information about the case can be found here.

BBC: Missing Live Highlights

The first series of BBC Missing Live ran from April to May 2008. Presented by Louise Minchin (BBC Breakfast) and Rav Wilding (Crimewatch and former Metropolitan Police Detective), the series was a live studio programme, based on the previous BBC Daytime documentary series Missing. The series followed the work of the police and the charity, Missing People, in their efforts to discover the whereabouts of just some of the 210,000 people who are reported missing each year.

The series ran again in both 2009 and 2010. In 2009 I was the spokesperson for Missing People on the programme each day and explained forensic art techniques in the month long BBC series; in 2010 I was also interviewed regarding forensic artwork I had produced for the police.

Een Koppen TV, Belgium

Working with the Belgium organisation Child Focus, I age progressed several cases of long term missing children. This programme looked at these cases and I explained the age progression process.

Cases featured were: Liam Vanden Branden (missing since in 1996, aged 2), Nathalie Geijsbregts (missing since 1991, aged 10) and Ilse Stockmans (missing in 1987 aged 19).

Sky News: Katrice Lee

Natasha Lee has been searching for her sister for nearly 40 years. Here she talks to Sky on the day that Missing People launched a campaign to improve provision for the families of the missing. Katrice disappeared from a Naafi shopping complex in Schloss Neuhaus, Paderborn in Germany on 28 November 1981. She was just two years old. Her sister, Natasha, and her parents, who lived nearby at the time, have never lost hope that they will find out what happened to Katrice.

BBC News: CEOP cases

As Head of Identification at the Missing People charity, I talked to the BBC about producing age progressed artwork for CEOP to assist in the search for missing paedophiles. The artwork consisted of aged-photographs of several known paedophiles, indicating what they may look like many years after their last known photo.

BBC: Inside Out

BBC Inside Out spent time with the charity Missing People, the UK's only charity that works with young runaways, missing and unidentified people, their families and others who care for them. I talked to the programme about age progression work in the case of Trevor O'Donnell (also known as Patrick) who has been missing from Canterbury since March 1994, and Rebecca Carr from Rochester, who was last seen in November 2002, in Gillingham, Kent.